Monday, November 8, 2010

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Best regards,

Rajesh Kumar

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Are you Healthy ?

Ø Are you sure you’re healthy?

Ø Are you eating the right kind of food?
Are you eating a well balance diet?

Ø Do you want to decrease/increase weight & be healthy?

Ø Do you want to prolong your life?

Almost all of us are eating processed foods – canned food, instant noodles, Samosa, Dosa, Burger, pizza. etc…Considering the foods we eat now, almost all our foods have preservatives, msg, food coloring, artificial flavoring & other artificial things. These foods will lead you to various diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, heart problem, stroke, impotency, obesity, diabetes, constipation, kidney problem, migraine, varicose veins, insomnia, epilepsy, tumor, high cholesterol, stress, and other illnesses. Say goodbye to these kinds of diseases! We have found the fountain of youth! The King of Herbs – Reishi! Both Curative & Preventive! Reishi has long been known to extend life span, increase youthful vigor & vitality!

Revitalize your body & feel like young again! At a very low cost.

Ganoderma is a kind of mushroom which has high ranking in the world of fungi. For centuries, the Chinese regard it as "King of Herbs" for its excellent effect in assisting in the maintenance or improvement of general well-being.

Ganoderma contains more than 200 active elements that can be categorized as water soluble, organic soluble or as volatile compounds. The major elements include Polysaccharides, Adenosine and Triterpenoids, each having their own outstanding medicinal effects.

How do RG and GL become beneficial with the consumers and saleable in the market?

Our founder, Dr. Lim Siow Jin, has spent more than a decade in the research and development of mushroom cultivation technology. Through this R&D, he has developed a special technology that is capable of producing a 100% yield of high-quality mushroom. Furthermore, of the 3,000-plus mushroom species known, 2,000 are edible and 200 have therapeutic effects, and only six of them have the highest quality. Our special cultivation technology have consistently produced these six species, namely, Kimshen Gano, Peacock Gano, Heart Gano, Liver Gano, Brain Gano and Ruyi Gano. These facts account for the consistent and superior efficacy of our RG/GL.

Reishi is the Japanese name for Ganoderma Lucidum. The Chinese call it Lingzhi.

Ganoderma contains over 252 active elements. It contains Proteins, Amino acids, Vitamins, Minerals and dietary Fiber which are essential nutritional elements to build the body strong and healthy. Important 5 active elements which are available in Reishi for therapeutic benefits are as follows: (These 5 active elements in single herb make Reishi Ganoderma a special herb.)

Polysaccharides (Cleanser)

· Immune Builder.

· Enhances natural healing ability.

· Prevents abnormal cell growth.

· Detoxifies the body. Strengthens cell membrane and prevents cell decay.

· Improves Pancreas function and helps in diabetes. Prevents the spread of cancer.

· Improves oxygen carrying capacity of RBC.

Organic Germanium (Balancer)

· Reishi Gano has 6000 ppm of Organic Germanium.

· Increases oxygen absorption at cell level.

· Enhances cell activity, prevents cell degeneration.

· Balances electrical charges in the body and regulates electrical balance.

· Regulates heart, brain and kidney functions.

· Prevents tumor and Metastasis in Cancer patients.

Adenosine (Regulator)

· Controls cholesterol and free fat.

· Prevents platelet agglutination.

· Ensures free flow of blood, prevents heart related problems.

· Maintains endocrine balances, prevents Hormone related problems.

· Regulates metabolism, balances pH of the blood.

Triterpenoids (Builder)

· Reishi Gano has 112 types of Triterpenoids.

· Strengthens and maintains entire digestive system.

· Improves nutrition.

· Controls cholesterol and free fat.

· Strengthens liver and heart muscles.

· Prevents allergies, Asthma.

· Brings down blood sugar level.

Ganoderic Essence (Regenerator)

· Helps rejuvenation of cells and tissues.

· Cleanses, beautifies and protects skin.

· Removes free radicals from the body.

· Retards ageing process.

· Heals skin diseases and wounds.

Human body - The best doctor in the world.

The doctor here referred to is the one on call inside our body. He works 24 hours a day to keep us healthy. When we catch a cold, he creates a river of mucus to carry the bacteria out of our body. When our cold settles in our chest and our lungs get congested, he makes us cough in order to rid our lungs of the congestion. When we get a fever, it is an indication that our own personal doctor is fighting off infection. If we eat something that does not agree with our body, our doctor induces vomiting to rid our body of the culprit. When our doctor senses abnormal cells, he immediately begins to encapsulate the suspected cells and form a tumor. A splinter is detected and in a few days, our doctor forces it out. While we are sleeping our doctor continues to work, cleansing our body and getting us ready to fight another day.

If you want to keep your doctor in tip-top condition, give him plenty of water, fresh fruits, vegetables and proper nutrition and exercise. Remember your doctor is working harder than ever these days. While we want to keep him alert, we also want to give him the help that he needs to keep us healthy by leading an active life.

Courtesy - DXN News letter June 2004.

Help your doctor with DXN's RG & GL (100% Ganoderma) daily which he needs.

Many people reported that by taking the above food supplement got relief in the process of getting relieved from the following diseases / ailments...

Abdominal pain,




Bleeding Piles,

Blood Pressure,

Brain Tumour,


Cancer Breast,

Cancer of Oesophagus,

Cancer Monocytic Leukemia,

Cervical spondylisis,

Chronic Bronchitis,

Chronic Headache,

Chronic Arterial disease,




Difficulty in passing urine,

Discharge from eyes,

Disk prolepses,


Defective hearing


Enlarged prostates.

Fits on and off,

Filarial Leg

General Weakness (Fatigue),


Gastric complaint,



Heart Disease,

High Blood Pressure,




Infertility for 15 years,


Irritable bowed syndrome

joint Pain

Kidney Problem

Loss of vision due to accident

Manic Depressive psychosis,


Malarial Fever recurrence.


Neuralgia Oozing eczema both feet,

Over medication

Pain all through the body,

Pain in heart,

Pain in lungs,

Paralysis, Piles,


Psychiatric Problem,



Speech Trouble,

Skin allergy

Taxoplasma (infection from pets),


Tubal Pregnancy

Urinary Infection,


Varicose Vein complaint,




How to use Ganoderma?

Ganotherapy is the method of taking ganoderma. Ganotherapy here on is about using Ganoderma based products especially RG and GL for health benefits. Ganoderma must be consumed according to Ganotherapy procedure, this ensures maximum benefits in health and wellness.

Ganotherapy has been provided here for the benefit of those who are already consuming Ganoderma based products RG/GL i.e. Reishi Gano and Ganocelium. This article on Ganotherapy is also an answer to a number of queries that we receive on how to consume Ganoderma based products, now when this article on Ganotherapy is online most of the present and future queries will automatically get solved.

Basic Principles of Ganotherapy

Ganotherapy described here is based on few assumptions, one must understand these assumptions in order to maintain and retain health with Ganoderma. Starting Ganotherapy based on misconception will only lead to misunderstanding. It is best to know and understand how and when to use Ganoderma (RG/GL). Ganotherapy described here only applies to Ganoderma based products RG/GL and is irrelevant to other Ganoderma based products like Lingzhi Coffee (or healthy coffee), Ganozi toothpaste, Ganozhi soap, Ganozhi shampoo etc. So, here are the basic assumptions of Ganotherapy:

  • Causes of Health Problems: Ganotherapy believes that there are two reasons for health problems or illness. They are

    1) Accumulation of toxins in our body and

    2) Unbalanced body function i.e. lack of coordination between functions taking place in the body.
  • Is Ganoderma a cure: Second assumption of Ganotherapy is that Ganoderma isn't a cure or treatment for any illness, health condition or disease. Ganoderma only helps body to regulate unbalanced body functions, detoxifies body and helps body to improve its self defense system by improving its immunity against disease. All the health benefits that people see or are reported are achieved by these properties of Ganoderma.
  • Reflection by Body to Ganoderma: Ganotherapy believes that all the reflections that we see in our body are caused by our body system. Our body system reacts to Ganotherapy on its own and Ganoderma itself isn't a reason or cause of reaction.
  • Dosage of Ganoderma : Another assumption of Ganotherapy is that dosage (quantity of RG/GL) is irrelevant to any disease or health condition, because Ganoderma isn't a cure or treatment but a health supplement which helps body to improve itself.

Steps to Ganotherapy

Ganotherapy can be started by consuming one pair of Reishi Gano and Ganocelium i.e. 1RG+1GL. This RG/GL pair of Ganoderma must be taken in morning on empty stomach. If you are Asthmatic or have ulcer or some other stomach related problem or suffering from epilepsy then it should be taken after a light meal.

This one pair of RG/GL must be continued for 1 week until you feel comfortable with it. Then one can increase this to two pairs i.e. one pair of RG + GL in morning and another pair of RG + GL in evening. And then to three pairs in the 3rd week & four pairs in 4th week subsequently.

When ganoderma is taken (one pair or two pairs of RG/GL) body starts reacting to it, that is the process of regulating body functions and detoxification starts. This is a sign that Ganoderma is working.

One can continue increasing RG+GL pair until some reflections from the body is noticed and once you see this reflection, stop increasing the pairs and continue consuming pairs which caused body to reflect.

These reflections will settle down in days or weeks when body gets detoxified to some extent and improves its functioning, at this stage a person will also feel healthy.

During Ganotherapy one should consume more water and products with vitamin C. This will help detoxifying the body and throwing the toxins out of the body.

More details on Ganotherapy

More details on Ganotherapy is provided by us to members sponsored by us. Members can join under our sponsorship & can send details for there membership by contacting at : or Phone No: 09721513385.

The information provided here on Ganotherapy is enough for beginners and can help them in maximising the health benefits from Ganoderma.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Why to use Ganoderma ??

Strategy for Healthy Life

Ø Health means developing the resistance power and power of function of the body against diseases.

Ø Health means absence of frequent illness.

Ø Health means improved resistance power through which the duration of disease is shortened.

Ø Health is a sense of wellbeing of body, mind and soul.

Ø One can achieve healthy life if the food, cloth, shelter and his environment are kept clean.

Ø These all are the sources for a prosperous disease free and healthy life.

Nature’s Gift

  • From time immemorial ever since man was born, a constant fight is going on between man and Bacteria and virus.
  • To understand this fight on behalf of man nature has gifted him a natural doctor right from his birth.
  • This doctor alone keeps him to live longer without any diseases.
  • The name of this doctor is “Immunity”. This doctor was born with the man and dies with him.
  • If the immunity is strong, the body is able to fight effectively the diseases caused by bacteria or virus.
  • However, when immunity goes weak, the invading bacteria penetrate into the cells of the body.
  • Having successfully penetrated into the cells they release Toxins (poison) which causes diseases.
  • If heart cells are affected it produces BP and heart related problems.
  • If Lung cells are affected it produces Asthma, and many other respiratory diseases.
  • If kidney cells are affected, kidneys loose their ability to excrete waste matter leading to kidney fa8ilure and finally kidney transplantation.
  • If joints and bone are affected, it leads to arthritis leading to impaired mobility.
  • Thus when a doctor in us looses power of resistance, we go weak and contract diseases in various organs of body.


  • Diseases are causes due to pollution.
  • Pollution may spread due to waster, organic, volatile substances, air, smoking, or alcohol etc.
  • Bacteria or Virus may invade cells through these pollutions and release their Toxins in the cells and create diseases.
  • Some diseases are due to nutritional deficiencies.
  • Falling ill means that the organs of the body became inactive.


  1. Body is a bundle of cells.
  2. What originated as a single cell at the time of conception, multiplied into many cells.
  3. These cells formed as organs like liver, heart, lungs, kidney, brain & bones etc. developed into a full form either as male or female.
  4. So the fundamental entity of a living organism is CELL.
  5. If cells are healthy, we will also be healthy.
  6. If cells are affected, we get diseases.
  7. Tissues are combination of different cells.


Ø A natural treatment

Ø Reishi Gano (Ganoderma): The Heaven’s gift to the Earth’s man. A higher order of Fungus.

Ø Reishi is different from other plants.

Ø All green plants produce their nutrients by photosynthesis.

Ø Mushrooms need no sunlight.

Ø Mushroom gets their nutrients from dead organic matter or soil.

Ø Like Human Beings: plant inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

Ø Mushroom inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Ø Hence when we tale Mushroom, we get good quantity of pure Oxygen.

How Reishi (Ganoderma Works?

* Ganoderma (Reishi) is not a medicine.

* It cleanses cell of unwanted Toxins.

* Strengthens cell membrane so that Toxins will find it difficult to enter into the cells.

* It functions in both ways one by removing Toxins from the cell and the other by preventing further entry of Toxins into the bo0dy.

* Hence Ganoderma is not diseases specific, it is cell specific and it enters into cell and cleanses the toxins.

* The cells are thus freed from Toxins and improve its functionality.

* It boosts the immunity power which helps to relive diseases.

* The Royal concept of Russia, Australia & England, Developed a new Medical Concept of ADAPTOGEN – A substance that is Non specific to organs or Tissues.

* Does not just act on disease site but it acts on the cells of whole body.

* It has Overall Normalizing effect.

* It is NON-TOXIC.

* It has No Side effects.

For purchasing of Ganoderma or for more details please feel free to contact me at:-


Mobile No: 09721513385

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ganoderma - A Miracle Herb !

King of Herbs - Reishi Ganoderma

Ganoderma Lucidum or Reishi is also known as King of Herbs. In order to be known as King of Herbs, it has to have some qualities that aren’t commonly available in other herbs and because this has been found to be true Ganoderma Lucidum is also called ‘King of Herbs’.

The main characteristics of Lucidum that make it a real king of herbs are listed below :

Ganoderma Lucidum – An adaptogen

Adaptogens are herbs that provide strength and stamina to body system and help it in relieving Stress. The King of Herbs Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is well known for its adaptogenic properties. An adaptogen is non toxic in nature which means its safe to eat. An adaptogen enables body to develop its self-help defence system and resist against harmful agents whether physical, chemical or biological in nature.

Therapeutic Value of Ganoderma Lucidum

Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum: The King of Herbs therapeutic value aren’t hidden from anyone now a days. Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is estimated to have approximately more than 200 medicinal constituents and more and more are being discovered with new researches. It is a wonder of nature that so many useful medicinal constituents are available in a single product, which have a wide range of medical application. These 200 + therapeutic elements can be broadly categorised as-

1. Polysaccharides for cleansing

2. Organic Germanium for balancing

3. Adesnosine for regulating

4. Triterpenoids for building

5. Ganoderic essence for regeneration

Although there are a number of herbs that are known adaptogens or have a high nutritional or therapeutic value but Ganoderma Lucidum shows all above properties in combination, naturally that is why Ganoderma Lucidum is called The King of Herbs.